Kija Kim's "Meridian": My Life Journey

Meridian maps the remarkable life of Kija Kim. From growing up during the Korean War, to studying in the United States (at a time when it was virtually unheard of for a young woman to get a graduate degree, let alone in America!), to a difficult marriage and devastating loss— Kija never lets go of her dream to succeed in business and create an authentic and happy life for herself and her children. An inspirational story about family, culture shock, love and grief, and never giving up. Meet Kija Kim, author of "Meridian" and an award-winning entrepreneur and businesswoman who founded Harvard Design and Mapping Company in 1988. Learn about her life altering journey from Seoul, Korea to America, and her impact on the American business and the Asian American communities.

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Reviews for "Meridian"

Amazon - Reviews from the United States

A. A. Clifton
5 Stars - Ambition embedded in determination and tenacity
Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2024 Verified Purchase
Kija Kim is no mere first-time writer. It's hard enough to write in itself - and in your mother tongue. But to do so in a second language is an accomplishment unto itself - even with the help of a seasoned coach. Take that and flavor it with deeply felt emotions from all kinds of traumatic life experiences - running from brutal North Korean and Chinese invaders, falling down a well as a child, crashing a car into a tree thanks to sheer exhaustion at work here in the USA, dealing with a very difficult first marriage, then suffering the unspeakable loss of a child - it's a long list of many painful episodes that keep the reader immersed from page to page. Some might find her mention of certain banalities of life unnecessary, yet even they come to life through the fresh eyes of an American immigrant who succeeded where many others did not. For those who want to learn a little about South Korean customs and what it takes to move from your country of birth to a very different, distant culture. this is an engrossing read. Thank you for your feedback.

Gary M.

5 Stars - Don’t give up, be confident and always stay positive!

Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2024

Verified Purchase

It’s a quick read and compelling. Kija tells the story, gets to the point and does so directly and honestly. I was ten when she was in the third grade in So. Korea. I listened with my family to the news reports and remember those years vividly. To read of some near my age who experienced far more than I head about was compelling and an insight into Kija’s durability and determination. While there were many tough experiences, Kija concludes this epic tale with gratitude for her family and her life. All’s well that ends well, comes to mind.

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Margie W.

5 Stars -Meridian is inspirational.

Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2024

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Kija Kim has written an inspirational story. First she recounts her life as a child growing up in Korea during the Korean War. She has a strong sense of family. In spite of that, she crosses the globe alone to seize the opportunity to study in the USA. The issue in the book that resonates with me: how very difficult it is for an honorable person to confront a broken marriage, especially when children are involved. Kija has the confidence to seize many opportunities, and she reaches a meridian in her professional life. She finds time to help others in crisis. Her thoughtful motto is “Opportunity comes to prepared minds.”

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David & Susie

5 Stars - It's a wonderful read!

Reviewed in the United States on June 8, 2024

Verified Purchase

This is a remarkable bittersweet tale of persistence and not losing a dream. Kija immigrates to the USA from Korea despite having no close relatives or friends here. Notwithstanding the sadness and hard times, she survives and becomes a High Tech pioneer of Corporate Mapping. Her life is indeed on a Meridian surviving Triumph and Tragedy. It's a wonderful read.

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5 Stars - Inspirational Book

Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2024

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I read this in a few short days. Like another reviewer I started the first chapter and couldn’t put it down. It’s an amazing book about family survival during the Korean War, perseverance when Kija moved to the US knowing no one, and her ability to start a business in an emerging area. It’s a very personal story which needs to be told.

Thank you for your feedback.

Rose Ann G.
5 Stars - Amazing & Inspirational Life! Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2024
Verified Purchase Meridian is the compelling, bittersweet story of the remarkable life of Kija Kim. It recounts her struggles with a war, adoption of a culture so foreign to her homeland’s, an unfortunate marriage and heart breaking losses. Anyone of these issues could have derailed one’s hope and dreams. Against the odds, she faced them with a positive and courageous spirit, created her own opportunities and crafted an outstanding personal and professional life. By revealing to us the good, the bad and the ugly she again demonstrates courage and honesty. Once I began reading the book I could not put it down! My bet is you won’t either. Thank you for your feedback.

Jane D.

5 Stars - MERIDIAN, by Kija Kim

Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2024

Verified Purchase Meridian, written by Kija Kim, is a must read book. Kija not only tells a story of growing up in pre war Korea, the hard times she and her family endured. Kija continues her story on coming to the Unites States and her many hardships and joy's. Many who read the book will also resonate within themselves they own stories. 2 people found this helpful Thank you for your feedback.

Dale C.

5 Stars - Inspirational

Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2024

Verified Purchase

After purchasing this book I thought I would read a chapter. Three or so hours later I was finished. This is a story of a remarkable woman who never gave up or gave in. One person found this helpful Thank you for your feedback.

Amazon Customer

5 Stars - Inspirational Story!

Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2024

When I read about the author, I expected to read how she grew up in Korea, came to the United States, and formed her company along the way. What a surprise to learn the circuitous, difficult, and often sad parts of her story. I love how she took advantage of every opportunity that came her way and used all of that when she needed it most! This is a book well worth reading that stays with you afterwards. Thank you for your feedback.

June D

5 Stars - The best book I have read this year

Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2024 I loved this book!. It gave such an insight into the Vietnam war, the Vietnamese countryside and her people,, and into the life of an intelligent, hard working, determined girl, named Kija Kim. Once I started to read, I could not put it down. Not only did she vividly depict life in Vietnam, but also gave a vivid understanding of the difficulties women, and those of a different culture endured at that time in the U.S. I could have cried with her as she lost her children, and could sympathize with her 20 years of marriage to a difficult man. I do like happy endings, and this book does not disappoint. Thank you for your feedback.

KIJA KIM is an award-winning entrepreneur and businesswoman. Born in Seoul, Korea, she came to America in 1966 to attend the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. With her background in geography and a keen interest in computer programming, Kija was a pioneer of digital mapping in the mid-1980s and was the Founder and CEO of Harvard Design and Mapping Company (HDM) in Cambridge. Kija has been active within business, government, and Asian communities, serving on the Massachusetts Asian American Commission for twenty years. She was a member of the Republic of Korea’s Oversight Committee for the Three-Year Plan for Economic Innovation, appointed by South Korea’s President, Park Geun-Hye. Kija resides in Naples, Florida, with her husband and has two grown children and three grandchildren. Meridian is her first book. 

Award-winning entrepreneur and businesswoman

About Me

Kija Kim receives 2006 U.S. Small Business of the Year Award for Massachusetts from President Bush
Kija Kim receives 2006 U.S. Small Business of the Year Award for Massachusetts from President Bush


Dedicated to empowering Asian communities at ATASK, Boston

Creating positive impact through philanthropy

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